Stop Reading Startup Advice
Deena Varshavskaya (CEO of there comes a time to stop reading startup advice and to seize control of your destiny.
I’m guilty of this. I read obsessively about startups and entreprenuership. Reading that volume of content can be valuable, but it can also be a hinderance on progressing on your goals.
She theorizes that these blogs were created from experiences (from mishaps) rather than reading blog posts.
Deena then outlines 3 negative impacts:
- Reading/research clutters up your digital workspace
- You’ll put yourself into the box of doing things the “right” way
- The time spent reading or researching is the time spent not doing
Okay.. so now stop reading and start creating. :)
You might be surprised about how much you can achieve today without distractions.
Posted on 20 Mar comments powered by Disqus